Uulliata Digir is an avant-garde metal band from Poznań, Poland. Stumbled across this recently and thought the inclusion of trumpet within heavy metal was definitely not something you (I?) hear everyday, and for all their layers pull off a very cohesive sound. Their debut album (which seems to include a mix of members who were in past projects) of the same name is basically 3 long tracks with 2 short interludes, but they make a promising showing of what could come. The band has a female/male vocalist that bounce off of one another throughout, often colliding together in what are some of the more frenzied and seemingly hysteria-induced moments of the album. Lots of people seem to compare them to Imperial Triumphant; the singer Julita Dąbrowska reminds me of Chelsea Wolfe in some ways, especially on the opening track "Myrthrs". Overall just a pretty solid debut and worth checking out.