Friday, March 12, 2010

Lights for Nero - ...And Little Lambs Eat Nations

Lights for Nero was an amalgamation hardcore band from South Carolina incorporating saxophone and dual vocalists. The band broke up after releasing two full-lengths, with their 2004 opus '...And Little Lambs Eat Nations' before their departure in 2006.
Great little screamo/jazz flavors, really an unknown gem. There's some weaker tracks, or some where the mix doesn't gel so well, but overall such an interesting record that when it peaks you don't want it to stop, especially with standout tracks like "Chalk Outlines Cover the Dance Floors" and "How the Plane Crash Became A Cliché" (which starts off like a BM anthem).

The saxophone parts won't blow your top off, but the band knew how to incorporate it into their own sound, really just recommended/worth a listen.

...And Little Lambs Eat Nations
mind the graves


  1. really good indeed an unknown gem. haven't heard about them. any chance for their other album? thanks

  2. aye yeah, unfortunately I haven't been able to track down their first album...I'll let you know if I end up finding it.

    It's called 'Dying to Shed Light on the Narrow Path of the Anathema Heist' from 2003, if that helps...

  3. I have the first album. It was released on the hearken, though there were problems and it did not get distributed almost at all....
