Sunday, December 14, 2008

Insight - The Blast Radius

To follow up on my Y Society post, I'll give another nod to MC/producer/DJ Insight, with one of his solo albums -- 'The Blast Radius'. After giving this album another listen, I'm seriously puzzled that Insight isn't a household name -- dude has effortless flow & lyrics for days, not to mention the oldschool vibe he reps in most of his work.

The song "Inventors" kills it...tons of great tracks though.
G-G-G-Today, G.

The Blast Radius
mind the graves


  1. Def grabbing this, the Y Society you posted a few weeks ago is rad. Apparently they have another ep or something out called Never Off (On & On). Is this any good/i don't suppose you have it?

    Marcus | sometime-world

  2. I don't -- is it just different versions of the song? Either way that's def the best track on the album.

  3. Turns out it is just a bunch of remixs and stuff, no biggie i guess.
