Monday, November 24, 2008

The Samuel Jackson Five

The Samuel Jackson Five hail from Oslo, Norway -- an instrumental/alternative group who recently released 'Goodbye Melody Mountain', the band's third album. Having a name like The Samuel Jackson Five should be more than enough to pique your interest, but in case you need an outside opinion...Hey, this band is really good, guys.

I'd start from the beginning, so that the meat ('
Easily Misunderstood') is where it belongs on the 'sammich.

Same, Same But Different
removed by request

Easily Misunderstood
removed by request

Goodbye Melody Mountain
removed by request
mind the graves


  1. Hi
    could you please remove our albums from your blog


    Thomas Meidell/ The Samuel Jackson Five

  2. Aye not a problem fellas, thanks for being reasonable.
