Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bondage Fruit

One of the best examples of Japanese Zeuhl music, Bondage Fruit incorporated multiple genres to construct their sound; progressive guitar-lead bombardments akin to Mahavishnu Orchestra, avant-garde jazz structures, and ethnic drum-frenzies layered beneath dual female vocalists just scratches the surface of their sound. Vocalists Aki and Saga Yuki fit perfectly with the band's improvisational direction -- using no actual words/lyrics in favor of personal interpretation while singing to create delicate and often haunting chanting.

But after the release of
'II', both the singers had left the band, steering the original founders (from 1990, led by guitarist/synth player Kido Natsuki) to a more guitar-driven experimental sound, both on the 'III: Récit' and my personal favorite 'IV'.

Guitarist Kido Natsuki keeping it real

The two song, 50-minute long 'V (Skin)' veered even more from their Zeuhl roots to a less chaotic, more accessible sound but remained interesting and well-crafted -- "Frasco" is a beautifully paced Kimbo-slice to the cranium which more than warrants a listen. Finally, the latest release 'VI' (2005) is another all-around solid release and unique addition to their catalog -- building on 'V' with its more traditional/Western sound.

Definitely among the greats in experimental music -- my personal favorites being II, IV, and V. Highly recommend giving them a chance, or diving deeper if you've already been introduced.


  1. you are a LEGEND! THANK YOU!

  2. thanks! this is great

    By the way... have you listened to Kido Natsuki's "Disco Space Baby"???

  3. thanx a lot wonderful

  4. I haven't heard that Galacto, thanks for the heads up. I really dig his guitar playing so chances are I'll dig it.

  5. any chance for a re-up for album IV & V? links are gone [:-(
    peace, E-mile

  6. No problem -- sorry for the untimely re-up.

    I'll add I and VI for good measure, should be up shortly.

  7. Thank you, Bondage Fruit is rather amazing!
    All the best from Halifax, Nova Scotia!
